School Road, Charing, Ashford, Kent. TN27 0JN
01233 712277

Special Educational Needs

Living and Learning with Faith, Friendship and Fun

SEND Policy  

Special Educational Needs

At Charing Church of England Primary School, as part of our commitment to helping all children achieve, we recognise that some children need more focused help and support.

To ensure that all children have access to appropriate learning opportunities, we have a non-teaching SEN coordinator for 1 day a week who is responsible for tracking the progress of and supporting those children on the SEN register. The school follows the guidance provided by the SEND Code Of Practice, 2014 to inform its policy. The SEN Policy will be drawn up with the input of parents within the school and regularly reviewed.

As part of the school’s assessment procedures, as well as on-going assessment, all pupils are assessed six times a year and parents are informed if a child needs extra provision at “SEN Support”. Support interventions at school include:

Reading Support

Phonics Support

Fizzy Clever Hands

Speech Therapy

Language Support

Lego Therapy

Social skills


The school regularly refers children through the “LIFT” process (Local Inclusion Forum Team) to involve outside agencies such as the Education Psychologist or Specialist Teaching and Learning Service, to give more specialist support and advice.


Mrs Elizabeth Hammond, our SENCo, can be contacted through the school office (01233 712277) or by email (  Alternatively, please contact the Head of School, Mr Tom Bird, via the school office.