School Road, Charing, Ashford, Kent. TN27 0JN
01233 712277


Living and Learning with Faith, Friendship and Fun

Welcome to Rabbits Class


In Rabbits Class we have three members of staff. Miss Jones is our Class Teacher, Mrs Hattley is our Teaching Assistant (Monday to Thursday) and Miss Cole is our Teaching Assistant on a Friday. We also have Mrs Jones who volunteers on a Monday. 

This is the first step into school life for your children. Our Early Years classroom is set up to engage the children in learning through play. We offer a range of exciting activities which aim to cover all the areas of learning: communication and language, personal, social and emotional development, physical development, literacy, mathematics, understanding the world and expressive arts and design. Each day is always different with child-initiated learning at the heart of our daily practice.

Over the year we will centre learning around different topics from traditional tales, pets, sea creatures, mini beasts and plants to families.

We use our amazing space outside to engage the children in outdoor learning, encouraging the children to make great progress in all areas of the Early Years curriculum.


At Charing we use the programme Read, Write, Inc for our Phonics. We will begin learning Set 1 sounds in Term 1 and move onto Set 2 sounds later in the year. Children will have plenty of opportunities to practise and review the sounds they have learnt. We will send home the sounds that we learn weekly so you can practise too.


Throughout the year we will focus on numbers 1 – 10, encouraging the children to count confidently and develop a deep understanding of the numbers to 10, the relationships between them and the patterns within those numbers. We will be learning about: quantity and recognition, one more and one less, counting forwards and backwards and different representations of these numbers and how to make them in different ways (number bonds e.g. 3 + 2 = 5). We will also engage the children in learning about shape, space and measure too.

We love learning in Rabbits and we are so excited to have a fantastic year together!