School Road, Charing, Ashford, Kent. TN27 0JN
01233 712277

Suggested activities for Snow Days

Living and Learning with Faith, Friendship and Fun

We have devised a list of activities that you may like to do at home over the next few days.  You could choose any of the activities. We would love to see what you get up to – please bring the tasks that you complete to school next week to share with us.

  • Read a book, collect 5 new/interesting words and use the words in snow-related sentences.  Make them interesting!
  • Build a snowman or snow-creature, take photos and write a character description.
  • Write a recount of your snowy experiences i.e. sledging, snowball fights, building snow sculptures.
  • Collect beakers of snow, place them in different locations inside or outside the house and time how long it takes the snow to melt in each location.
  • Research an animal that lives in snowy, cold habitats and write about them. You could make a fact file or write a report.
  • Create a set of ‘Top Trumps’ for ways of travelling in the snow, winter sports such as bobsleigh or curling, or animals that live in cold environments.
  • Design a new snow vehicle.  Label the features that make it appropriate for the snowy conditions.
  • Use food colouring to make a piece of abstract art on the snow in your garden – take a photo of it.
  • Measure the depth of the snow in different locations around your home.  Can you explain why the snow is deeper in some places than in others?
  • Create a snow picture using pencils, pens, paints, crayons or collage materials.
  • Write 5 number sentences using a snowy theme, e.g. I made 5 snowballs on Tuesday and 7 snowballs on Wednesday.  How many snowballs did I make altogether? or On Tuesday it took me 15 minutes to walk to school through the snow, on Wednesday it took me 10 minutes less than half an hour and on Thursday it took me 5 minutes longer than on Wednesday.  How long did it take me to get to school on Wednesday? How much longer did it take me to get to school on Thursday than on Tuesday?