School Road, Charing, Ashford, Kent. TN27 0JN
01233 712277

Foxes – Home Study

Living and Learning with Faith, Friendship and Fun

Please send all work to Also, feel free to email staff if you are finding work tough and need any help or support or just to keep in touch. 

Sports Day


During the school closure period there is an expectation that children will read and practise their number bonds and  timetables everyday. Spellings will be sent out on a Monday and we would like the children to be tested on a Friday. 

Monday’s work will be English (a grammar, punctuation activity, spellings to learn and a reading comprehension), Maths and Topic.Wednesday’s work will be English (a grammar punctuation activity, spellings to learn and a reading comprehension), Maths and Art.Friday’s work will be RE, Science, ICT and PE.​​

Please don’t worry if you are unable to get all the work done that is set – It would be great if the children could just have a go at the work.

Please where possible email completed work to

Week Commencing 13 July 2020

Home Study week commencing 13 July 2020

Week Commencing 6 July 2020

Home Study week commencing 6 July 2020

Week Commencing 29 June 2020

Home Study week commencing 29 June 2020

Week Commencing 22 June 2020

Home Study week commencing 22 June 2020

Week Commencing 15 June 2020

Home Study week commencing 15 June 2020

Week Commencing 8 June 2020

Home Study week commencing 8 June 2020

Week Commencing 1 June 2020

Home Study week commencing 1 June 2020

Week Commencing 1 June 2020

Home Study week commencing 1 June 2020

Week Commencing 18 May 2020

Home Study week commencing 18 May 2020

Week Commencing 11 May 2020

Home Study week commencing 11 May 2020

Week Commencing 4 May 2020

Home Study week commencing 4 May 2020

Week Commencing 27 April 2020

Home Study week commencing 27 April 2020

Week Commencing 20 April 2020

Home Study week commencing 20 April 2020

Week Commencing 30 March 2020

Home Study week commencing 30 March 2020

Week Commencing 23 March 2020

Home Study week commencing 23 March 2020


Purple Mash

​Purple mash is a computer programme we use in school for computing and to support teaching in many areas. While we are closed, we encourage children to log in and use the software – practising spellings, learning timestables, using writing frames, beginning to write code etc – in both their learning or to help entertain them when they have ‘nothing to do’! 

Staff will also be setting ‘2Dos’ for the children, directing activities for the children to complete that will support learning across the curriculum. 

All children were given their purple mash logins last week. There is also a parent code which you can use to monitor how your child is doing and what has been set for them. 

Daily PE :

BBC Bitesize Daily

The BBC have launched their new ‘Bitesize Daily Lessons’ online for Years 1-10. It has some fantastic resources such as videos, tasks and ideas to do at home. There are daily English and Maths lessons and a variety of other subjects.

We may direct you to some of the activities on some days but please explore the lessons as often as you need to.