22 May 2020
20 May 2020
Rabbits Class Home Learning 19
Minibeast Colouring Posters
18 May 2020
Rabbits Class Home Learning 18
What the Ladybird Heard Colouring Sheets
22 May 2020
Hello Squirrels!
I hope you have had a lovely week and enjoyed the lovely sunshine. I have been so impressed with your work and photos that have been sent in. It’s now the end of Term 5 and there will be no work set next week. I hope you have a restful week, curl up with a good book, play in the sun and spend some lovely time with your family.
Speak soon, Mrs McKenna
Computing 22.05.20
RE 22.05.20
Read Write Inc Year-1 and 2
Topic Grace Darling
20 May 2020
Read Write Inc Year-1 and 2
Squirrels Art 20.05.20
Squirrels English 20.05.20
Squirrels Maths 20.05.20
18 May 2020
Read Write Inc Year-1 and 2
Squirrels English 18.05.20
Squirrels Maths 18.05.20
Squirrels Science 18.05.20
22 May 2020
RE 22.05.2020
Science 22.05.2020
Computing 22.05.2020
Mighty Muscles
Lesson 3 Symbols of the Holy Spirit
Lesson 4 Fruits PowerPoint
20 May 2020
Art 20.05.2020
English 20.05.2020
Grammar 20.05.2020
Maths Year 3 20.05.2020
Maths Year 4 20.05.2020
Life Skills
18 May 2020
English 18.05.2020
Grammar 18.05.2020
Castles History Slide2
Topic 18.05.2020
Year 3 Maths 18.05.2020
Year 4 Maths 18.05.2020
Spelling Mrs Thompson
Spelling Mr Bird
Spelling Miss MacMillan
Spelling Miss MacMillan 2
Spelling Miss Young
Spelling Miss Young 2
Spelling Year 4
22 May 2020
Computing 22.05.2020
Topic 22.05.2020
Badgers Science 22.05.2020
20 May 2020
Writing – continue with a blog for the rest of the week please
Art – I’d like you to draw the same view from your window that you did in March and I’d like you to notice how things have changed.
Maths – Please do the Year 5 maths sheet below from https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-5/
GPS – Please do the Prefix Sheet:Prefixes Two Chilli 20.05.20
Maths Lesson 3 Add mixed numbers 20.05.20
Life Skills
18 May 2020
Watch lesson 1 then complete the worksheet https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-5/Add and subtract fractions 18.05.20Download
For GPS today we will do the word document on Brackets.
Monday 18th work SPaG
For Reading, have a go at humpty dumpty – the answers are at the bottom.
Humpty Dumpty Stage 4 Comp Comprehension Pack
For writing, I would like you to write a blog that keeps the readers interested. Today I’d like you to describe what you have done today or yesterday and I’d like you to include a paragraph how you feel about not going back to school.
R.E 18.5.2020
Spelling Mr Bird
Spelling Mrs Thompson
Spelling Miss MacMillan
Spelling Miss MacMillan 2
Spelling Miss Young
Year 4 Spelling
22 May 2020
English 22.5.2020
Computing 22.5.2020
History 22.5.2020
Maths 22.5.2020
20 May 2020
English 20.5.2020
Maths 20.5.2020
Writing 20.5.2020
Life Skills
18 May 2020
English 18.5.2020
Maths 18.5.2020
R.E 18.5.2020
Spelling Mr Bird
Spelling Mrs Thompson
Year 4 Spelling
Spelling Miss Young 2
Spelling Miss MacMillan
Spelling Miss MacMillan 2