Welcome to Squirrels Class

In Year 1, our teacher is Miss Humphries. Miss Dowsett is our class Teaching Assistant and Miss Piddock is a 1:1 Teaching Assistant.
This year the children are starting to learn a new curriculum although in Term 1 and 2 we will be making sure the children experience a smooth transition from Reception to Year 1.
We have PE on Mondays and Fridays and Forest School on a Monday. Children will need a pair of named wellies to keep in school for Forest School and Opal Play. They will need to come in wearing their P.E. uniform on a Monday and a Friday. It is very common for young children to take off their jumpers and forget where they have put them. Please write your child’s name in the label of all their jumpers so we can return jumpers to the right child.
Reading will continue to be a priority this year and we strongly encourage you to read with your children as often as possible. There is an expectation that your child reads a minimum of 4 times per week. In term 1, there will be no homework set but please still read with your children as this is the priority to start the year.
We read with your children in groups or 1:1 daily and they will bring home a book to read to you. This will be changed on Mondays and Thursdays if they have read it at home. Please sign their reading record to let us know they have read at home and add a comment if it is needed.
The children will continue their phonics learning this year in RWI lessons Monday-Thursday and will read a RWI book in school during these lessons.
Over the year the children will begin to experience more subject specific learning, but we are sure they will rise to the challenge and enjoy their learning this year. We look forward to a fantastic year.