Please send all work to Also, feel free to email staff if you are finding work tough and need any help or support or just to keep in touch.
Sports Day
During the school closure period please take some time each day to practise your sounds, letters and numbers.
On a Monday, Wednesday and Friday we will send some activities to do to help you practise and also ideas to get you busy and learning at home.
Please keep reading every day, even if you keep reading your books again and again.
I have sent home some Read Write Inc reading sheets. Keep using these to practise.
Keep busy, keep learning and keep safe.
Any questions or if you would like to send me anything, even if it’s photos of you doing an activity, please email
Daily PE :
Week Commencing 13 July 2020
Home Study week commencing 13 July 2020
Week Commencing 6 July 2020
Home Study week commencing 6 July 2020
Week Commencing 29 June 2020
Home Study week commencing 29 June 2020
Week Commencing 22 June 2020
Home Study week commencing 22 June 2020
Week Commencing 15 June 2020
Home Study week commencing 15 June 2020
Week Commencing 8 June 2020
Home Study week commencing 8 June 2020
Week Commencing 1 June 2020
Home Study week commencing 1 June 2020
Week Commencing 18 May 2020
Home Study week commencing 18 May 2020
Week Commencing 11 May 2020
Home Study week commencing 11 May 2020
Week Commencing 4 May 2020
Home Study week commencing 4 May 2020
Week Commencing 27 April 2020
Home Study week commencing 27 April 2020
Week Commencing 20 April 2020
Home Study week commencing 20 April 2020
Week Commencing 30 March 2020
Home Study week commencing 30 March 2020
Week Commencing 23 March 2020
Home Study week commencing 23 March 2020
Purple Mash
Purple mash is a computer programme we use in school for computing and to support teaching in many areas. While we are closed, we encourage children to log in and use the software – practising spellings, learning timestables, using writing frames, beginning to write code etc – in both their learning or to help entertain them when they have ‘nothing to do’!
Staff will also be setting ‘2Dos’ for the children, directing activities for the children to complete that will support learning across the curriculum.
All children were given their purple mash logins last week. There is also a parent code which you can use to monitor how your child is doing and what has been set for them.