School Road, Charing, Ashford, Kent. TN27 0JN
01233 712277

Week commencing 4 May 2020

Living and Learning with Faith, Friendship and Fun


6 May 2020

Rabbits Class Home Learning 14
Butterfly Life Cycle
The Very Hungry Caterpillar Pattern Sheet
The Very Hungry Caterpillar Colouring Counting Worksheet

4 May 2020

Rabbits Class Home Learning 13
Number bonds to 5 booklet


8 May 2020 – VE Day

Hello Squirrels. 

I hope you have had a lovely week, sounds like lots of you have been very busy. We have received lots of fantastic work and messages this week .

Today is VE Day! I have put a VE Day powerpoint with lots of information, plus a wordsearch, colouring poster and Spitfire paper plane activity on here for you to have a look at if you’d like. We would love to see your photos of how you have celebrated today.

Have a wonderful weekend,

From Mrs Mckenna x
VE day colouring page
WW2 Spitfire template
VE Day Wordsearch
VE Day Powerpoint

6 May 2020

Read-Write-Inc Year-1 and 2
Squirrels Art 06.05.20
Squirrels English 06.05.20
Squirrels Maths 06.05.20

4 May 2020

Read-Write-Inc Year-1 and 2
Squirrels English 04.05.20
Squirrels Maths 04.05.20
Squirrels Science 04.05.20


8 May 2020 – VE Day

VE Day PowerPoint

6 May 2020

Art 06.05.2020
English 06.05.2020
Maths Year-3 06.05.2020
Maths Year-4 06.05.2020

4 May 2020

English 4.05.2020
Maths Year-3 4.05.2020
Maths Year-4 4.05.2020
Topic 4.05.2020
Parts of a Castle 04.05.2020
Spelling Mr Bird’s Group
Spelling Mrs Thompson’s Group
Spelling Miss MacMillan’s Group
Spelling Miss Young’s Group
Spellings Mrs Hodson’s Group


6 May 2020

For maths, summer term week 3 lesson 3 and lesson 4 on

For writing, finish your story and edit it

For GPS – Please complete the SPaG.
SPaG 6.5.2020

For reading – The Ariana Grande comprehension

For Art – I’d like you to follow the art lady​ and make some sculptures using tin foil – this is optional.
Ariana Grande Comprehension

4 May 2020

Writing – I would like you to this week finish your story with an ending and then take the time to check it through. Check your spellings when editing and varied sentence openers. Have you used adjectives and adverbs? You’ve got Monday and Wednesday’s sessions to do this!

Maths – For maths, summer term week 3 lesson 1 and lesson 2 on and as an extension you can do the emoji code breaking challenge from last week but only if you want to. 
Ed Sheeran Comprehension
RE 4.5.2020
Topic 4.5.2020
Extra Work
Spelling Mr Bird’s Group
Spelling Mrs Thompson’s Group
Spelling Miss MacMillan’s Group
Spelling Miss Young’s Group
Spellings Mrs Hodson’s Group


6 May 2020

Maths 6.5.2020
English 6.5.2020
Art 6.5.2020

4 May 2020

Maths 4.5.2020
Comprehension 4.5.2020
RE 4.5.20
Spelling Mr Bird’s Group
Spelling Mrs Thompson’s Group
Spelling Miss MacMillan’s Group
Spelling Miss Young’s Group